该学院的学生参加了一个多年的项目,旨在帮助他们做好准备, and execute, the college research, application, audition, and selection process.
Beginning in the freshman year, 学生们定期参加会议,并与学院的大学辅导员和艺术系系主任讨论目标设定, academic and career planning, and other topics related to postsecondary study and professional pursuits.
Additionally, 学院每年举办两次学院之夜,并定期接待来自世界各地的学院和大学的代表.
To inquire more about The Academy's college counseling program, or to inquire about college visits, please contact Sarah Langford, College Counselor at slangford@chicagoartsacademy.org
A small army of faculty began a two-day, 400-mile caravan, 在每位毕业生的家中停下来,亲手颁发毕业证书,并亲自为每位毕业生鼓掌. Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
AP Courses
In Art History, students explore the nature of art: its uses, its meanings, and peoples' response to it. 本课程的探究围绕着从史前到现在作为文化和社会的反思和引擎的艺术展开. 从不同的全球视角,并通过跨学科的方法来分析, interpretation of works of art and art movements, 本课程强调艺术创作与历史上社会和政治变化的相互联系. 学生将学习和讨论围绕艺术生产的基本问题和理论, 分发和接收,并将在这些背景下发展对艺术品的理解, which include issues such as gender, politics, religion, ethnicity and patronage. 本课程为学生提供了通过阅读深入了解艺术史的机会, research, slides, videos, and museum visits. 写作技巧在描述、分析和比较这些作品时很重要. When taken as an AP course, AP艺术史考试的准备也将纳入课程.
AP欧洲史涵盖了从罗马帝国灭亡到1991年苏联解体的欧洲历史. 它分为四个季度,每个季度至少由四个主题单元组成. 每个单元之后都有一个考试,包括十个或更多的简答题和一篇论文. In each quarter students write one paper on any of the units covered in class. As a way of grounding their research, 学生就一个主要的历史大发彩票平台登录撰写论文,该大发彩票平台登录在整个季度中似乎都很重要, for example: The Reformation for the first quarter; The French Revolution for the second quarter; the effects of industrialism or imperialism on European social and political relations for the third quarter; and the impact of World War I for the final quarter.
这个高级法语部分是为了帮助学生熟悉实际的AP考试形式而创建的. 课堂时间专门用于介绍和练习所有法语AP考试的个人任务,并分配额外的作业作为家庭作业. While being enrolled in French IV/ AP French/Independent Study, 学生必须同时参加法语四:语言和文化荣誉课程,或者在参加AP课程之前必须参加法语四:语言和文化荣誉课程.
西班牙语高级部分的创建是为了帮助学生熟悉实际的AP考试形式. 课堂时间专门用于介绍和练习所有西班牙语AP考试的个别任务,并分配额外的作业作为家庭作业. While being enrolled in Spanish IV/ AP Spanish/Independent Study, 学生必须同时参加西班牙语IV:荣誉语言和文化课程,或者必须在参加AP部分之前参加西班牙语IV:荣誉语言和文化课程.
AP Calculus AB focuses on understanding mathematical concepts using graphical, numerical, and analytical methods. 学生将被期望通过数字以及使用图表和书面解释来传达他们的理解. Extensive use will be made of the graphing calculator, 学生将在年底参加AP考试,以获得潜在的大学学分.
AP Calculus BC is taken after successful completion of AP Calculus AB. The BC exam covers the first two semesters of college calculus. 大学微积分第一学期的材料(AB课程)在学年开始时复习,然后是新材料. Additional topics beyond the AP curriculum are often covered, such as linear algebra, fractals, and/or basic programming. This course is often taught as an independent study.
AP统计学涵盖了与典型的大学水平统计学入门课程相同的材料. 这个类可以分为四个不相等的部分:数据模式分析和数据显示, collection of valid data through well-developed plans, 使用概率来预测数据分布(宇宙中有秩序)!),以及统计推断的运用(我们对某一特定假设的自信程度). Students will take the AP exam in May for potential college credit.
AP计算机科学原理向学生介绍计算机编程的技术和方法,以及计算机科学的历史和理论. This class will be taught using the Java language, 学生可以通过在累积AP计算机科学原理测试中表现良好而获得大学学分. 参加本课程的学生有机会进行许多课堂编程活动和实验, 也可以在更大的主题项目中工作,包括编写基于文本的电子游戏, writing scientific programs drawing knowledge learned in previous science classes, etc.
AP文学与写作是一门强化课程,旨在向学生介绍大学水平的分析, discussion, and comprehension of writing from a broad range of literature, drama, and poetry. The course challenges and develops the student’s ability to think critically, synthesize literature, and write effectively. Although this course explores a number of works from different genres, the concept of identity – how we understand it, create it, question it, destroy it, live without it – connects them all. As students delve into these topics, 还会出现许多其他的,帮助我们形成一种文学语言和方法.