The 英语系 focuses on developing sensitive 和 critical interpretations of fiction, 非小说类, 诗歌, 和 戏剧 through 阅读, 讨论, 和写作.
As writers 和 thinkers, students will learn to push past text into subtext, discern reaction from analysis, 和 develop a pleasure for 阅读 literature with purpose.
Students in the 英语系 will develop into sensitive 和 critical readers of fiction, 非小说类, 诗歌, 和 戏剧 through 阅读, 写作, 和讨论. The curriculum is centered around our what-how-why methodology, which focuses attention to the synthetic relationship between the thematic 和 formal elements of literature 和 composition. This design gives students the ability to verbalize pointed responses, 撰写有说服力的文章, 和 interpret literature with confidence.
A small army of faculty began a two-day, 400英里的商队, stopping at each senior’s home to h和-deliver diplomas 和 personally applaud each graduate. Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
Students at The Academy will have the opportunity to take 英语 classes ranging from requisite courses like 美国文学 和 分析 和组成 选修课程 Literature 和 the Comedic Form 和 神话与英雄. As seniors, students can be placed in AP 英语 Literature 和组成 upon the recommendation of their teachers.
英语系 Courses
《大发彩票平台登录》是一门概括性课程,向学生介绍美国文化中各种形式和体裁、各种历史背景和文学运动中最优秀、最具开创性的文学作品. 本课程将以大一英语课程中介绍的文学分析方法为基础,为学生提供进行更复杂的书面分析的必要工具. 学生将对形式与内容的关系有更深的理解,以便对所研究的文献提出有说服力的论点.
分析与写作课程旨在通过结合非虚构文本来介绍两个特定文学主题的关键主题,提高学生在学院的“what-how-why”方法论中的技能. Through two quarter long units, 分析 和组成 investigates Justice 和 Sexual Identity through critical essays, 戏剧, 小说作品, 电影, 和 graphic novels to locate salient themes, convergent 和 divergent underst和ings, 和 work towards complex, synthetic interpretations regarding justice, 国家, 和道德, as well as sexual discourse 和 expression.
后殖民文学向学生介绍了“自我”与“他者”之间的关系,这种关系源于将欧洲和非洲不可磨灭地联系在一起的霸权历史. 具体地说, how imperial powers sought to represent the “Other,” 和 how the power of representation was used to justify 和 en性别 the subjugation of peoples 和 cultures. With the use of critical essays 和 Victorian 和 Modern novels, 我们将研究表征的复杂性,以及文学可以用来传播或解构主导殖民态度的二元性的方式.
《大发彩票平台登录》旨在帮助学生对莎士比亚的作品有一个初步的了解,以及这些作品是如何融入他的生活和时代背景的. Other goals for the course include the following: to learn to write about Shakespeare's work; to learn how to read 和 analyze Shakespeare’s plays 和 their significance linguistically, 从历史上看, 在政治上, 社会, 和 culturally; to do close 阅读s of text, noting the integration of literary devices 和 textual directives for performance; 和 to develop a methodology for approaching antiquated texts for academic 阅读, 快乐阅读, 和性能.
《大发彩票平台登录》向学生介绍来自世界各地的神话故事和英雄,并调查构建这些故事的潜在心理需求——文化和个人. After a short introduction to mythic 和 heroic structure, the course examines different heroes from various cultures, drawing connections 和 shared needs between different peoples 和 time. 更多的现代作品,然后将重点放在英雄故事的心理方面,以理解从史诗到悲剧的整体转变, 从完美到瑕疵, 从神圣到崇高, 和 archetypal to individual in the heroic tradition.
文学和喜剧形式旨在调查幽默的中心问题,同时向学生介绍文学中喜剧的许多方面. 笑是什么?? 有趣的是什么? How are these two both very different—one physical the other mental—和 related? Although the comedic is something experienced on any given day, we rarely stop to rationalize why our bodies are convulsing uncontrollably. Students will explore various conventions in comedy, 具体地说, the mechanics of jokes, the experience of laughter, Greek comedic structure, 夸张, 讽刺, 拙劣的模仿, 黑色幽默, 和讽刺, in order to underst和 how each works, both emotionally 和 intellectually, on an individual level 和 in works of literature.
芝加哥文学探索受芝加哥启发和大发彩票平台芝加哥的文学,试图理解历史上不同的民族和他们的经历. Chicago has many names: The Windy City, 大肩膀之城, 第二城市, 中西部的巴黎, a City of Neighborhoods, 一个正在发展的城市, 丛林, 和 so on; each of these names helps characterize aspects of Chicago, but none fully encapsulate its many sides. This course seeks to delve into a number of Chicago’s sides through their portrayal in various works of both fiction 和 non-fiction. Course materials will investigate the growth of Chicago from a swamp to a metropolis, 和 look at the diversity of experiences that helped build 和 continue to shape the city.
第一次世界大战文学是一门概括性的课程,向学生介绍为回应和反思第一次世界大战而写的文学作品. Through novels 和诗歌 the course will examine the historic, 社会政治的, 和 cultural forces shaped by this event. Following World War One, Europe confronted itself 和 its previously unquestioned conventions. 战后, Europeans began to rethink their culture, resulting in modernist art 形式, 心理学, 存在主义, 诸如此类.
非裔美国文学是一门概括性课程,向学生介绍从19世纪至今的非裔和非裔美国人作家的文学作品. This course will examine a number of authors, 问题, 类型, 风格, 和 themes; furthermore, it will analyze the historic, 社会政治的, 和 cultural forces that helped to shape the African American experience. The class will also emphasize the intersection of race, 性别, 和 class perspectives, 每当适用, as they inform literary analysis.
拉丁美洲文学是一门调查课程,向学生介绍拉丁美洲作家的作品,并通过分析和解构具有挑战性的文本,显著提高学生的批判性思维技能. Emphasizing analysis through the perspectives offered by Octavio Paz, students will explore works through his thematic lens. Additionally, students will be introduced to the literary concept of ‘magical realism.’ Using novels 和 essays, which reflect a more cyclical approach to perception 和 storytelling, 学生将被指导理解非欧洲中心的文学艺术模式,并将获得拉丁美洲文学和文化价值的欣赏.
美国土著文学是一门概览性课程,通过阅读土著作家的传记和公认的文学作品,向学生介绍美国土著的历史和当代经历. 语言问题, 文化认同, 历史的见证, 而当前的社会政治经验也反映在这些作品中,并通过讨论和复杂的文学分析文章的写作来分析.
AP Literature 和组成 is an intensive course designed to introduce students to college-level analysis, 讨论, 和 comprehension of 写作 from a broad range of literature, 戏剧, 和诗歌. The course challenges 和 develops the student’s ability to think critically, 综合文献, 有效地写作. Although this course explores a number of works from different 类型, the concept of identity – how we underst和 it, 创建它, 质疑它, 破坏它, live without it – connects them all. As students delve into these topics, many others will emerge 和 aid us in forming a language 和 approach to literature.
女性文学是一门概览性课程,旨在探讨从19世纪到现在由女性创作的文学作品,以更好地理解女性气质和性别角色是如何在生物学和文化上建构的. Using the perspectives presented in Simone de Beauvoir’s The Second Sex as lens, 学生将分析几部主要的文学作品,以探索与父权制有关的历史和跨文化女性的复杂经历, 霸权, 和 社会政治的 structures.
Literature Through 电影 introduces students to the critical viewing 和 analysis of 电影 with an emphasis on 风格, 技术, 和意识形态, 和 with the goal of making students more discerning viewers. This class imparts basic film knowledge through introductory film terminology, 学术文章, 和讨论 of artistic 技术 within the 电影. A core objective is expansion of the students’ thoughts 和 perceptions. 电影, 就像所有的艺术形式一样, is an attempt to communicate “something or other” to its viewer; as for decoding the “meaning,” the class will confront conceptual communications with a list of various terms 和 devices that are demonstrated within the 电影. 讨论和解释将伴随每部电影观看,以帮助学生理解设备的相互作用及其在电影制作和意义中的作用.
文学与写作促进深入的书面文学分析,强调在结构和风格上加强解释和论点. This course provides the necessary background to help students formulate pointed, intriguing theses 和 defend them using primary 和 secondary textual evidence. Students will practice 和 apply 技术 for mastering authoritative 和 persuasive voice 和 tone, effective organization, 凝聚力, 和 tailored style in order to form unique 和 cogent argumentative essays.
The course traces the history 和 evolution of this enduringly popular genre in order to better underst和 its appeal, its conventions 和 its thematic preoccupations. By following the trail of famous detectives like C. 奥古斯特·杜宾, Sherlock Holmes 和 Hercule Poirot, students will become detectives themselves, investigating clues from the texts to try to solve the mysteries that the genre explores: the tangled web of human motivation, the dark undercurrents of society 和 culture 和 the paradoxes 和 puzzles in discovering the “truth.” By the end of the course, students will increase their appreciation for the history of the genre 和 be able to identify the way in which certain texts pay homage to, 批判, or subvert genre conventions in a continual socio-cultural commentary.
“It was a dark 和 stormy night…” This course w和ers into the darkness of “Gothic” literature: haunted houses, 悲观的风景, knotty wildernesses 和 stormy seas, where we’ll encounter a variety of famous literary monsters, 鬼魂与神秘. The course will explore the history of the “Gothic” genre in order to identify its conventions, 形式, 和 thematic preoccupations. By underst和ing this history, we can draw connections between the ways the genre has evolved over time to how it continues to evolve today. Together we’ll explore the Gothic imagination 和 critically think about why its horrifying images, plots 和 characters resonate with the human experience.
Freshman 英语 provides the foundations for analyzing literature though 写作, 阅读, 和 speaking 和 through an exploration of various texts, 类型, 形式, 和 风格 throughout Western civilization. 本课程旨在建立主题和手段之间的关系,并提供文学惯例的全面概述,包括, but not limited to: symbolism, 用语, 感官细节, narrative point of view, 和讽刺. Students learn the best practices for close 阅读 和 annotating as well as the literary analysis essay format 和 execution. Students also strengthen their 写作 through various revision strategies 和 peer workshops.